Grace marks and subject exemption

Hi... I have two backlogs I'm R18...
FEM....... Internals 3 & external 21...
HSAD..... Internals 0 & external 31...
I need 25 total grace marks... Yet i didn't got my name on the list... Can I know why?
hi bro
I'm from an ECE background in R15 regulation and I have 3 backlogs and each carries 4 credits. so can I apply for grace marks in one subject as it has 20 marks in it and opt for exemption in two subjects??
hi bro
I'm from an ECE background in R15 regulation and I have 3 backlogs and each carries 4 credits. so can I apply for grace marks in one subject as it has 20 marks in it and opt for exemption in two subjects??
Can you clearly specify the Internal & External marks in the subject in which you like to add grace marks.
Iam a R16 student I got detained and re-admitted with R18 and got passed with R18 now I have 1 supply and I want know which series rules are to be applied ?? I have both grace marks & exception. Which one is applicable ??
Iam a R16 student I got detained and re-admitted with R18 and got passed with R18 now I have 1 supply and I want know which series rules are to be applied ?? I have both grace marks & exception. Which one is applicable ??
R18 rules will be applicable for you, that means only grace marks
I am student from r16 and readmited in r18 and i have 3 subjects left
m1 from r16(11+16=27)
Fm-2 from r16(11+19=30)
Python from r18(13+22=35)
But in grace marks list my name didn’t came and college management are saying “The person who detained from r16 and rejoined in r18 will only applicable 9 grace marks” not even responding properly
I went to jntu to know about grace marks but they are telling students are not allowed inside .only college management exam branch members are allowed please help
Don't know whether 30 grace marks are still applicable or not. Once verify it from your college exam cell. We will let you know if any official notification is issued by JNTUH regarding grace marks.