Grace marks and subject exemption


New Member
I am a student of r16 batch I have 3 backlog subjects i need 10 marks in one subject so can I apply for grace marks in that and apply for subject exemption in other 2 subjects?(both subjects are 3-3 credits each
Can you mention clearly internal & external marks in the subject in which you want to apply for grace marks. @ikram
Hello Sir, I called my college exam branch to ask if I am eligible for grace marks. They said only if you clear 4-2 exams in regular that you are eligible. Since, I did not clear 4-2, I am not eligible. Will jntu release an updated grace marks list later or I have no choice? I am an R18 btech student @Rahul
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I have 1 backlog in 4-1 which I did not clear in supply and a backlog in 4-2 which I wrote supply for. College said I am not eligible for grace marks if I have backlog in 4-2. So, total 2 backlogs.
Mention Internal & External marks for both the backlogs from 4-1 & 4-2 Semester
4-2 -- 21 (Internal) and 12 (external) (awaiting supply results)

4-1 -- 22 (internal) and 22 (external) (highest marks in external)
4-2 -- 21 (Internal) and 12 (external) (awaiting supply results)

4-1 -- 22 (internal) and 22 (external) (highest marks in external)
Try to gain more marks in external exams of 4-2 exam to be eligible for grace marks. Max 9 grace marks can be added for 1 or 2 subjects.
So I have written 4-2 supply and I am pretty sure I will pass. Won't there be a updated grace marks list?
If you clear 4-2 subject then apply for grace marks in 4-1 subject to get the memos even without waiting for the list.