JNTUK Willingness form to attend X Convocation for University PhD Awardees Gold Medals and Endowment Cash Awardees

JNTUK Willingness form to attend X Convocation for University PhD Awardees Gold Medals and Endowment Cash Awardees


JNTU-Kakinada ( JNTUK ) It is hereby informed that the Ph.D., Scholars, Gold Medalists and Endowment cash awardees who desire to receive original degree in the X Convocation, have to submit a filled willingness form (format enclosed herewith) along with Xerox copies of PC and OD payment copy to the Director of Evaluation, JNTUK, Kakinada.

The last date for submission of willingness form is 19-01-2024 (Friday) at 05.00 PM through email de@jntuk.edu.in /in person/by post

JNTUK Willingness form to attend X Convocation for University PhD Awardees Gold Medals and Endowment Cash Awardees
Download Official Notification Here

JNTUK X Convocation Final University Gold Medal lists for 2019-2023 - Reg
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by JNTUK on 28-12-2023