JNTUA Pharm.D 6th Year Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2024-25 (For 2019-20 admitted batches)

JNTUA Pharm.D 6th Year Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2024-25 (For 2019-20 admitted batches)


JNTUA Pharm.D 6th Year Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2024-25 (For 2019-20 admitted batches)
1Commencement of Internship18.03.2024-
2Commencement of Internship in
General Medicine and three other
specialty departments
18.03.2024 to 17.03.202512 Months
3Submission of record of work in
General Medicine and three other
specialty departments to University
18.03.2025 to 24.03.202501 Week

Note : The students those who are unable to complete the internship with in the specified duration, they should take prior permission from the University (through proper channel) to submit their internship report to University.

JNTUA Pharm.D 6th Year Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2024-25 (For 2019-20 admitted batches)
Download Official Notification Here

Note: Academic Calendar issued by JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) on 11-03-2024

