JNTUH The Principals of all the constituent and affiliated colleges of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad offering UG & PG courses are informed to note that, in view of bad weather conditions and heavy rains and also considering the requests received from various rural college...
JNTUH The Principals of all the constituent and affiliated colleges of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad offering UG & PG courses are informed to note that, in view of bad weather conditions and heavy rains and also considering the requests received from various rural college...
JNTUH The Principals of all the constituent and affiliated colleges of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad offering UG & PG courses are informed to note that, in view of bad weather conditions and heavy rains and also considering the requests received from various rural college...
JNTUH All the Principals of colleges offering IV year B.Tech./ B.Pharm courses are informed to note that the University is exploring feasibility to conduct the IV-II semester examinations of B.Tech./ B.Pharm. courses to the students in conventional (off-line) mode at the centres which are near...
Postponement of UG & PG Regular and Supplementary exams of JNTUH scheduled on 16-10-2020
All the Principals of JNTUH constituent and affiliated colleges...
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R16) Regular Exams Time Table - September 2020
R16-Forenoon | R16-Afternoon
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R15) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020
R15-Forenoon | R15-Afternoon
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R13) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020
high court decision on btech examsjntuh 4-2 exam time table 2020
jntuh 4-2 time table 2020
jntuh b.tech 4-2 exam time table 2020
jntuh b.tech exam time table 2020
jntuh exam time table 2020
jntuhexamsjntuhexams 2020
jntuhexams update
jntuh final year exams 2020
jntuh time table
jntuhupdatesforexamspostponedjntuhupdatesforexamspostponed 2020
university updatesjntuh
JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester Examinations Scheduled from 14th June 2021 Are Postponed and Rescheduled from 1st July 2021
JNTUH (JNTU Hyderabad) : The Principals, students and parents of the students are informed to note that only circulars or letters which are made available in JNTUH official website ( www.jntuh.ac.in ) and Principal/Student service portals of JNTUH are authentic.
Further the students and parents...
Telangana State : All educational institutions, shopping malls and cinema theaters to be closed down till 31st March 2020 to contain spread of COVID-19.
However, the Intermediate, other board & TS CET's examinations will be held as per schedule.
JNTUH - COVID 2019 - Declaration of Holidays...
holidays in telangana
jntuh circulars
jntuh fast updates 2020
jntuh holidays
jntuh holidays for coronavirus
jntuh principal
jntuhupdatesforexamspostponedjntuhupdates holidays
As a regular procedure, the data has been sent for the preprinted answer booklets, to the printing press immediately after the closure of registrations. As the dates of elections of MPTC and ZPTC are announced recently and as per the directions, there will be no University exams on all three...
jntuh exam postponed details
jntuhexamspostponedjntuh new updatesjntuhpostponed exam time table
jntuhpostponed exam time table 2018
jntuh rescheduled exam dates
university updates
university updatesjntuh
Due to the forthcoming TS general elections and the communication received, there shall be no University Examinations from 05-12-2018 to 11-12-2018.
B.Tech Exams Scheduled on 5th,10th,11th,17th,18th,19th Dec 2018 Are Postponed & Rescheduled...
Dear Principals & Students,
All the University examinations scheduled on 07-08-2018 are postponed due to bundh call given by transport agencies. The revised date of exam will be intimated later. CE/DE JNTUH
Revised Dates For Postponed Exams of B.Tech 1-2 & 1st Year Scheduled on 07-08-2018...
JNTUH Postponement of All Examinations Scheduled on 7th August 2018
B.Tech 1-2 Semester Advanced Supplementary Examinations Time Table - August 2018
R16 Advanced...