jntuh detained rules r16

  1. S

    Regarding R16 Detained and R18 Re-admitted students requesting grace marks and exemption rule.

    "We" few students of JNTUH are requesting you to understand our concern and take necessary steps to support the students, about grace marks and credit exemption. Few students of various colleges affiliated to JNTUH, detained in their R16 2nd year and Re-admitted in R18 3rd year. The total...
  2. Updates4u

    JNTUH : Promotion Rules For B.Tech (R16) 1,2,3,4 Year - I & II Semesters [Regular/Lateral Entry]

    B.Tech - R16 [Regular Students] : Promotion & Conditions to be fulfilled 1-1 semester to 1-2 semester : Regular course of study of first year first semester. 1-2 semester to 2-1 semester : Regular course of study of first year second semester. Must have secured at least 24 credits out of...