Due to the forthcoming TS general elections and the communication received, there shall be no University Examinations from 05-12-2018 to 11-12-2018.
B.Tech Exams Scheduled on 5th,10th,11th,17th,18th,19th Dec 2018 Are Postponed & Rescheduled...
Due to the forthcoming TS general elections and the communication received, there shall be no University Examinations from 05-12-2018 to 11-12-2018.
The examinations which are to be held on 5-12-2018, 10-12-2018, 11-12-2018, 17-12-2018, 18-12-2018 and 19-12-2018 are rescheduled and the revised...
Dear Principals & Students,
All the University examinations scheduled on 07-08-2018 are postponed due to bundh call given by transport agencies. The revised date of exam will be intimated later. CE/DE JNTUH
Revised Dates For Postponed Exams of B.Tech 1-2 & 1st Year Scheduled on 07-08-2018...
JNTUH Postponement of All Examinations Scheduled on 7th August 2018
B.Tech 1-2 Semester Advanced Supplementary Examinations Time Table - August 2018
R16 Advanced...