VTU Regulation Governing the Degree “Bachelor of Business Administration” programmes offered on regular mode - regarding


VTU Regulation Governing the Degree “Bachelor of Business Adminstration” programmes offered on regular mode - regarding


Visvesvaraya Technological University - VTU Pursuant to the aforesaid Executive Council Resolution, the following regulations are notified :

"Regulations Governing the Degree Bachelor of Business Administration programmes offered on regular mode with effective from the academic year 2024-25"

You are hereby directed to bring the same to the notice of all the concerned and to follow them scrupulously. Copy of the regulations is made available @ https://vtu.ac.in/en/bba/

VTU Bachelor of Business Administration Regulations
Download Here

VTU Regulation Governing the Degree “Bachelor of Business Administration” programmes offered on regular mode - regarding
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by VTU on 02-08-2024

