VTU Receiving applications through eddts.vtu.ac.in Only -regarding


Visvesvaraya Technological University ( VTU ) With the introduction of electronic document delivery and tracking system eDDTS, under reference (1) above, from 3rd February 2022, the services provided through email examdocs@vtu.ac.in are going to be stopped from 10th February 2022.

In light of this the applications received through email from 11th February 2022 on examdocs@vtu.ac.in will not be accepted and processed.

Hence, all the students are informed to submit their documents requests through https://eddts.vtu.ac.in only. Issues, if any, related to the applications thus submitted may be communicated to the email eddtsvtu.ac.in. The contents of this circular may be brought to the notice of all the concerned.

VTU CIRCULAR – Receiving applications through examdocs@vtu.ac.in -regarding


Visvesvaraya Technological University ( VTU ) With the introduction of electronic document delivery and tracking system eDDTS, under reference (1) above, from 3rd February 2022, the services provided through email examdocs@vtu.ac.in are going to be stopped from 10th February 2022.

In light of this the applications received through email from 11th February 2022 on examdocs@vtu.ac.in will not be accepted and processed.

Hence, all the students are informed to submit their documents requests through https://eddts.vtu.ac.in only. Issues, if any, related to the applications thus submitted may be communicated to the email eddtsvtu.ac.in. The contents of this circular may be brought to the notice of all the concerned.

VTU CIRCULAR – Receiving applications through examdocs@vtu.ac.in -regarding
Can you work on the website to fix it. It has been more than a month since its not working.
Most of the time website will be down. Its been 5 days i have registered and i did not receive my credentials from the VTU which they were supposed to send it via message.
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eddts.vtu.ac.in electronic document delivery and tracking system electronic document delivery tracking system vtu electronic document delivery vtu electronic document delivery tracking system vtu electronic document tracking system