VTU Instead BBM403 Java Programming in 4th semester Control Engineering Syllabus uploaded June 2024


VTU Instead BBM403 Java Programming in 4th semester Control Engineering Syllabus uploaded June 2024


Visvesvaraya Technological University-VTU This is a reference to the subject cited above. In the B.E. Biomedical Engineering program tor the 4th semester, the course code BBM403 corresponds to Java Programming. However, the syllabus section erroneously contains the syllabus for Control Systems.

This issue was communicated to the Chairperson of the Board of Studies in El/BM/ML at VTU Belagavi for clarification. The chairperson confirmed that the subject with the code BBM403 is indeed Java Programming (IPCC).

Currently, the Biomedical Engineering program is offered by two colleges:
1) Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, and
2) ACS College of Engineering, Bengaluru.

Upon confirmation, it was found that both colleges are following the BBM403 Java Programming syllabus. Corrigendum is mentioned as below;

In Scheme In Syllabus Remark BBM403 Java Programming BBM403 Control System To be read as (in syllabus) BBM403- Java Programming
BBM403 -Java Programming Syllabus is attached with this circular for stakeholders' convenience and use.

All the principals of Engineering Colleges under the ambit of the university are informed to bring the content of the circular and syllabus to the notice of all concerned.

VTU Instead BBM403 Java Programming in 4th semester Control Engineering Syllabus uploaded June 2024
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by VTU on 04-06-2024

