University of Delhi In continuation of Notice Ref. No./ Dean (Exams.)/ 2021/529 dated 29th April, 2021, it is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the Final Semester/Annual Examinations May/June 2021 to be commenced from 1st June, 2021 are hereby postponed and same shall start from 07th June, 2021. Accordingly, all the Date Sheets released for commencement of examinations from 15th May, 2021 are hereby withdrawn. The new Date Sheets shall be released in soon and shall be available on the website of the University of Delhi. The detailed guideline regarding the May/June 2021 examination will be issued in due course of time.
The Notifications available on the official website of University of Delhi i.e. shall only be considered authentic for all purposes. All concerned are hereby advised to visit the official website of the University of Delhi i.e. regularly for updates related to examinations.
University of Delhi Notification - Postponement of Final Semester/Annual Examinations May / June 2021
The Notifications available on the official website of University of Delhi i.e. shall only be considered authentic for all purposes. All concerned are hereby advised to visit the official website of the University of Delhi i.e. regularly for updates related to examinations.
University of Delhi Notification - Postponement of Final Semester/Annual Examinations May / June 2021
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