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TS SET 2018 Results
TS SET 2018 Final Keys [The following is the Final Key for TS-SET-2018 held on July 15th 2018]
About TS-SET :
The Government of India as per its New Educational Policy, 1986 envisaged that in order to maintain uniform standards of teaching in the country the candidates besides possessing minimum academic qualifications are required to qualify in a comprehensive test specifically conducted for the purpose of obtaining eligibility for appointment as Lecturers/Assistant Professors. Accordingly UGC, New Delhi has been conducting the UGC-NET Examination regularly. It was felt that an eligibility test at the national level may not be completely able to represent the subjects which are regional in their character. Moreover, there was a demand from the aspiring candidates to appear for the test in their own mother tongue, wherever applicable. Therefore, the State Governments and Union Territories were given an option of conducting their own test for eligibility for Lectureship at the state level.
TS SET 2018 Final Keys [The following is the Final Key for TS-SET-2018 held on July 15th 2018]
About TS-SET :
The Government of India as per its New Educational Policy, 1986 envisaged that in order to maintain uniform standards of teaching in the country the candidates besides possessing minimum academic qualifications are required to qualify in a comprehensive test specifically conducted for the purpose of obtaining eligibility for appointment as Lecturers/Assistant Professors. Accordingly UGC, New Delhi has been conducting the UGC-NET Examination regularly. It was felt that an eligibility test at the national level may not be completely able to represent the subjects which are regional in their character. Moreover, there was a demand from the aspiring candidates to appear for the test in their own mother tongue, wherever applicable. Therefore, the State Governments and Union Territories were given an option of conducting their own test for eligibility for Lectureship at the state level.