TS-SBTET RVCA Notification-Diploma Special Mercy Chance Supplementary Exams, JUNE 2023


TS-SBTET I wish to inform you that the results of Board Diploma Special Mercy Chance Supplementary Examinations for C90, C96, C00, CCC including Part-Time Courses (Rationalized to C18) and ER91, JUNE 2023 have already been declared. In this connection, the Principals of the Polytechnics cited at address entry are hereby informed to communicate the results and RV & CA Notification schedule to the candidates so that the desired candidates can apply for Revaluation (RV) and Copy of answer script (CA) online at sbtet.telangana.gov.in portal as per the following schedule by paying prescribed fee through payment gateway only (i.e. Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking).

TS-SBTET RVCA Notification-Diploma Special Mercy Chance Supplementary Exams, JUNE 2023
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by TS-SBTET on 15-10-2023

