TS-SBTET MID-2 Notification and Timetable-Circular - February 2023


TS-SBTET With reference to the subject cited 2 above, it is to inform that, the Board Diploma C-21 Scheme II, IV and C-18 Scheme V Semester Mid-II Examinations are scheduled to commence from -14-03-2023 to 16-03-2023. Therefore, you are requested to verify the Time-Table of Board Diploma C-21 Scheme II,IV semester and C-18 Scheme V Semester Mid-II Examination are enclosed herewith among staff and students, If any discrepancies are found, the same shall be brought to the notice of the “Deputy Secretary, Pre Examination Section in the Board through mail to “dysecy2-sbtet@telangana.gov.in” and “jssbtetts@gmail.com” immediately for taking necessary action. The schedule for Practical marks entry given as below.

TS-SBTET MID-2 Notification and Timetable-Circular - February 2023
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by TS-SBTET on 17-02-2023