TS-SBTET Diploma Supplementary Examination July2021 Notification



1. With reference to the subject cited above, I furnish herewith the detailed notification inviting applications from the eligible candidates of C14, C16, C16S rationalized to C-18 Schemes, C-18 Scheme (I,II,III & IV Semesters) and ER 91( I & II Year) to appear for Supplementary commencing tentatively in July -2021.

2. As per the Board Resolution & recommendation of Academic committee it was decided to rationalize the subjects of various schemes i,e. C-14, C-16and C16S into one scheme(C-18) for issue of single question paper for Supplementary examination as per the subject mapping shown in Annexure. The Students should write the examinations as per the syllabus of mapped subjects in C-18 Scheme only. Students can download the syllabus details of the mapped subjects from sbtet.telangana.gov.in notifications.

3. In this regard, it is to inform that the candidates who wish to appear for the examinations can register Online at sbtet.telangana.gov.in for the Examination by making Payment of prescribed Fee online. The hall tickets can be downloaded and printed from the same portal. The candidate has to obtain the signature on the Hall Ticket from the concerned Head of Section/Principal before appearing for the examination.

4. Before remitting the fee, the candidate shall ensure the eligibility status, since fee once paid is not refundable,

5. All the Principals are requested to issue the necessary instructions to the Head of Sections to sign on the hall tickets obtained from SBTET official website duly verifying the eligibility of the students.

6. The examinations will be conducted for the following Courses and Schemes:

TS-SBTET Diploma Supplementary Examination July2021 Notification


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