Telangana Degree Online Admissions Notification & Schedule 2017 (DOST 2017)


Well-Known Member
Degree Online Services, Telangana (DOST) welcomes you to take online admissions for undergraduate courses through this online service for the academic year 2017-18.
DOST is a friendly and effortless way to apply for undergraduate courses.
DOST helps you in choosing your favourite undergraduate course with all the information you wish to have.
DOST minimizes your efforts and maximises your choices to opt for an undergraduate course.

Official Website :

Universities Of Telangana :
  1. Osmania University
  2. Palamuru University
  3. Satavahana University
  4. Telangana University
  5. Kakatiya University
  6. Mahatma Gandhi University

What is New in DOST 17 ?
  • Only one Registration Fee for all the six universities Rs.100/- only.
  • Web options can be given across all the universities with prioritizing the universities too.
  • Biometric Authentication in collaboration with all eseva centers and Help Line Centers in Telangana State.
  • Application Filing made simple for Non-BIETS and outside the Telangana students.
  • More Number of New Courses introduced by various universities- more choices.

For Intermediate Students of Telangana :
  1. Your Intermediate Hall Ticket Number.
  2. Your AADHAR Card Number.
  3. Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking facility to pay your admission fee.
  4. Your recent passport size photo. (Scanned photo not more than 100 Kb.).
  5. You need a valid mobile number.
  6. Your Caste Certificate Number issued by MEESEVA (If applying under any reservation).
  7. Your Income Certificate Number issued by MEESEVA on or after 1st April 2017.(Required if scholarships are claimed).
  8. Sports, NCC, NSS, CAP and PH scanned certificate copies in case of availing admission under special category.

Students of other boards and other states :
  1. Your qualifing (10+2 Level) examination Hall ticket Number.
  2. Your AADHAR Card Number.
  3. Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking facility to pay your admission fee.
  4. Your recent passport size photo. (Scanned photo not more than 100 Kb.).
  5. You need a valid mobile number.
  6. Your Caste Certificate (If applying under any reservation).
  7. Your Income Certificate (Required if scholarships are claimed).
  8. Sports, NCC, NSS, CAP and PH scanned certificate copies in case of availing admission under special category.

International Students :

Important Instructions
  • You need to fill in the "Student Details Form" only once.
  • You have to pay Rs.100/- for seeking admission for all the six universities.
  • You may apply for unlimited number of colleges within a university.
  • You may apply for more than one combination within the permitted undergraduate programme.
  • You may apply for one or more or all the six universities. Registration is required to be done only once.
  • All the students, other than Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana should get their eligibility and equivalence certificates and approach nearest helpline centres of the respective Universities for verification.(Click on this link for applying for equivalence certificate online )
  • All the students, who applied under special category ie., NCC, NSS, Sports, CAP should get their certificates verified at helpline centres of the respective Universities. Dates will be informed in advance for each special category. Officers of concerned departments will be available for verification of the special category certificates.

Step wise guidelines for DOST admission process:
1. Open website.

2. You will find the home page with the six university logos and various instructions, information of Colleges, Courses etc.

3. Thoroughly read all the instructions on the home page such as Check List, Student Instructions and browse the Colleges and Course list .

4. Click on "Register" button for registration process.

5. UG Online Admission Payment Form will appear. Please fill in the Student Details in the form.

6. After filling the UG Online Admission Payment Form click on Proceed to Payment button.

7. Payment gateway page will appear. Pay your online application fee using your Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking facility.

8. If payment is successful you will see a message which looks like below.

"Your payment was Successfull for Rs.100/- on DD/MM/2017...Your Transaction Id is XXXXXXXXXX and Acknowledgment no. for your Application is: XXXXXXXXXXXX"

9. Please write down your application number. Also you will receive SMS with your application no. to your registered mobile no.

10. Click on the application button next to home,the UG Online Admission Form FOR ACADEMIC YEAR : 2017-18 will appear.

11. For students of Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana , some of your information will be auto filled by the software and you complete the remaining information.

12. For students who belong to the boards other than Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana all the details must be entered by the student.

13. Please enter equivalent percentage of CGPA accurately.

14. After furnishing all the details, click on the Preview button.

15 . Verify your Details once again and Press "SUBMIT" button to submit UG Online Admission Form.

16. DOST Online Admission Registration Payments Status and Web Options page will appear.

17. To Excerise Web Options click on "Click for Web Options" link. To Exit click on LOGOUT.

Who can participate in Web options Phase-II
  • Candidates who have secured seats but not interested to join.
  • Who have not secured seats in the options exercised in Phase-I
  • Who have not exercised the options so far.
  • Who have secured a seat ,reported and aspiring for a better option.
  • Who have reported/Not reported in the Phase-I allotted seat.
  • Candidates who have registered afresh both regular and advanced supplementary passed outs.

  • Options given in the Phase-I may be changed by the candidate if desired.
  • Candidates have to exercise options afresh for seat allotment in Phase-II other wise the previous web options will be valid.
  • The candidates are instructed to note that the seat allotted in the previous phase as per the options given may be lost,
  • if the candidate is allotted a fresh seat in a new college/course and have no claim on the previous allotments
  • as the vacated seat is allotted to next meritorious candidate. Hence students are cautioned to exercise only better options than allotted seat.

Important Dates : REVISED Schedule of UG ONLINE ADMISSION SCHEDULE 2017-2018.
  • Notification : 15-5-2017
  • Registrations and web options : 18-05-2017 to 04-06-2017
  • Registration with a Late Fee of Rs.200/- and web options : 05-06-2017 and 06-06-2017
  • Seat allotment- First List : 10-06-2017
  • Reporting to the Colleges by candidates in I-phase : 12-06-2017 to 17-06-2017
  • II Phase web Options : 18-06-2017 to 19-06-2017
  • Seat allotment- Second List : 22-06-2017
  • Reporting to the Colleges by candidates -II Phase : 23-06-2017 to 28-06-2017
  • Last phase web options : 29-06-2017 to 30-06-2017
  • Seat allotment –Final List : 03-07-2017
  • Reporting to the Colleges by the Candidates-Final Phase : 04-07-2017 to 07-07-2017
  • Commencement of Ist Semester Classes : 19-06-2017

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:Students are advised to check the website regularly for the latest guidelines and updated information on Colleges, Courses and Online application Process to know changes .

Download Official Notification Here


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