Satavahana University UG 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester Regular & Backlog Examinations Results - Sept/Oct 2020
Satavahana University Results of UG(CBCS) I, III, V Semester Examinations Results - November 2019
Satavahana University UG CBCS II / IV / VI Semester Examinations Results - May 2019
Satavahana University : UG (CBCS) I, III & V Semester Examinations Results - November/December 2018
Note :
Apply for RV / Recounting UG(CBCS) I, III & V Sem (December 2018) Exams on or before 04.04.2019

Satavahana University UG 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester Regular & Backlog Examinations Results - Sept/Oct 2020
Satavahana University UG (CBCS) 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester Regular & Backlog Examinations Results - Sept/Oct 2020 Note : Results of UG(CBCS) VI(Regular & Backlog) / IV(Backlog) / II(Backlog) Semester October 2020 Are Announced UG Courses = BA / B.Com / B.Sc / BSW / BBA /...

Satavahana University Results of UG(CBCS) I, III, V Semester Examinations Results - November 2019
Satavahana University UG CBCS II / IV / VI Semester Examinations Results - May 2019
Satavahana University : UG (CBCS) I, III & V Semester Examinations Results - November/December 2018
Note :
- If any Discrepency in the result shall be brought to the notice C.O.E. on or before 04.04.2019.
- WAL: Your result is withheld due to insufficient data, You are advised to contact C.O.E. on or before 04.04.2019.
- NE; Not Eligiable
- All the UG College Principals are informed that those candidates who are willing to apply for Revaluation / Recounting of the above Result may submit application forms online through our website and take consolidated Demand Draft by the Concerned Principal only.
Apply for RV / Recounting UG(CBCS) I, III & V Sem (December 2018) Exams on or before 04.04.2019
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