Satavahana University M.Sc (Chemistry) IV and II Semester Examinations Results - July/August 2024


Satavahana University M.Sc (Chemistry) IV and II Semester Examinations Results - July/August 2024
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Satavahana University

Note :
1. If any Discrepancy in the name, father's name and result shall be brought to the notice of C O E with in 7 days from Result declaration date.

2. Any request for correction will not be accepted after the stipulated period.

3. Xerox copy of the Answer Scripts may be obtained with in one month from the date of declaration of result(on or before 30.09.2024).

4. WAL : Your result is withheld due to insufficient data, You are advised to contact COE with your previous memo's.

5. NE; Not Eligible
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