Satavahana University LL.M. I Semester (R20) Examinations Results - June 2024


Satavahana University LL.M. I Semester (R20) Examinations Results - June 2024
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Satavahana University

Note :
1. If any Discrepancy in the result, it shall be brought to the notice of C.O.E. on or before 12.07.2024.

2. Revaluation applications are accepted through college on or before 12.07.2024.

3. Xerox copy of the Answer Scripts may be obtained with in one month from the date of declaration of result on or before 05.08.2024.

4. NE : Not Eligible

5. This information is provided to the candidate on his/her online request and is only a prototype list. Please take printout as a memo for further process.