OU UG Programmes - Declaration of Summer Vacation and Reschedule of IInd Internal Assessment Test for the Academic Year 2023-2024


OU UG Programmes - Declaration of Summer Vacation and Reschedule of IInd Internal Assessment Test for II, IV, VI Semesters for the Academic Year 2023-2024.

Osmania University

Osmania University - OU I am desired to communicate the approval of the University to declare Summer Vacation to all the UG Colleges under the Jurisdiction of Osmania University from 17-05-2024 to 17-06-2024 The ColIeqes will reopen after summer vacation for Ill & V semesters on 18.06-2024.

Further, 2nd Internal Assessment test dates for II, IV, VI Semesters are rescheduled 15.05.2024 & 16.05.2024 instead of 14-05-2024 & 15-05-2024.

OU UG Programmes - Declaration of Summer Vacation and Reschedule of 2nd Internal Assessment Test for II, IV, VI Semesters for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by OU on 03-05-2024

