OU UG 1st and 6th Semester (CBCS) Regular Examinations Notification 2021


Osmania University (OU) It is hereby notified to all the eligible I Semester Regular candidates enrolled during the academic year 2020-2021 of B.A./B.B.A./B.S.W./B.Sc./B.Com. (All Courses)/ B.Com. (Hon), the following is the schedule for the payment of examination fee and submission of the examination application forms (EAF) at their respective colleges.

Osmania University (OU) It is hereby notified to all the eligible VI-Semester (Regular) Candidates of B.A/ B.Sc/B.S.W/B.B.A/B.Com (Gen&Computers) B.Com(Hon), enrolled during theacademic year 2019-2020. The following is the schedule for the payment of VI-Sem all papers(Regular) examination fee and submission of the examination application forms (EAF) at their respective colleges.

Last Dates For Fee Payment :
  • Without Late Fee : 25-06-2021
  • With late fee of Rs.200/- : 02-07-2021

OU UG (B.A/B.Com/B.Sc/B.B.A/B.S.W) (CBCS) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations-2021

OU UG (B.A/B.Com/B.Sc/B.B.A/B.S.W) (CBCS) VI-Semester (Regular) Examinations-2021



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