OU Revised Almanac For UG II, IV, VI Semester for the Academic year 2023-2024


OU Revised UG II, IV & VI Semesters Almanac for B.A/ B.B.A. /B.C.A /B.Sc. /B.Com. (Gen)/ B.Com.(Comp.)/ B.Com (Voc.)/ B.Com (Hons) / B.Com (Business Analytics)/B.S.W for the Academic year 2023-2024

Osmania University

Osmania University - OU I am desired to communicate the approval of the University for the following Revised UG II, IV, VI Semester Almanac for B.A/ B.B.A. /B.C.A /B.Sc. /B.Com. (Gen)/ B.Com.(Comp.)/B.Com (Voc.)/ B.Com (Hons) / B.Com (Business Analytics)/B.S.W for the Academic year 2023-2024

Revised UG Almanac II Semester
1Commencement of Classes18-01-2024
2Last Date For Re-Admission27-01-2024
31st Internal Assessment15-03-2024 & 16-03-2024
42nd Internal Assessment14-05-2024 & 15-05-2024
5Examination Notification---
6Last date of Instructions16-05-2024
7Preparatory Holidays & Practical exams17-05-2024 to 26-05-2024
8Commencement of Theory Exams27-05-2024
9Commencement of III Semester10-06-2024

OU Revised UG II, IV & VI Semesters Almanac for B.A/ B.B.A. /B.C.A /B.Sc. /B.Com. (Gen)/ B.Com.(Comp.)/ B.Com (Voc.)/ B.Com (Hons) / B.Com (Business Analytics)/B.S.W for the Academic year 2023-2024
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by Osmania University - OU on 05-01-2024


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