OU PG Courses One Time Chance Year Wise and Semester Wise Examinations Notification - Sep/Oct 2024

OU P.G (MA/M.Com/M.Sc/M.S.W/M.Com (IS) M.LIb.Sc/MCJ/BCJ) One Time Chance Year Wise and Semester Wise Examinations Notification - Sep/Oct 2024

Osmania University

Osmania University - OU It is hereby notified that the information to all the BACKLOG CANDIDATES of MA./ M.Com./M.Sc./ M.S.W./ M.Com.(IS) /M.Lib.I.SC./B.Lib.I.Sc./MCJIBCJ of the University, Constituent, Affiliated and District P. G. Colleges that the Year Wise and I, II, III & IV Semester Backlog One Time Chance Examinations are scheduled in the month of Sep/Oct, 2024. The detailed Time-Table will be notified in due course.

Vide Lr No.300/Acad-I/2024, dated: 02.04.2024. The University has resolved to recommend to give ONE MORE CHANCE to clear all the backlogs as ONE TIME CHANCE in P.G. Courses from the Academic Year 2000-2001 to 2018-2019 batches only.


The last date for payment of Examination fee and submission of Examination application forms at the P.G. Section, Room No. 13, Examination Branch, O.U. is shown below :

Note :
1. MA/MCOM/MSW/M.Lib.I.Sc/MC&MC/B.Lib.I.Sc. Examination forms submit in the M.A. Section
2. All M.Sc. Courses Examination forms submit in the M.Sc. Section

i) Last date for payment of examination fee without late fee and submission of Examination forms at the Examination Branch, O.U. : 16.08.2024 (Friday)

ii) Last date for payment of examination fee with a late fee of Rs.500/- and submission of examination application forms at the Examination Branch, O.U. : 28.08.2024 (Wednesday)

The Examination fee is to be paid, with penal charges per paper for the period in addition to the examination fee given below:

CourseAcademic YearPenal FeeExamination Fee
MA / M.Sc / M.Com / M.Com (IS) / MSW / M.L.ib.Sc/B.Lib.Sc/MCJ (Year Wise and Semester Wise)2000-2001 t0 2009 -2010Rs. 4000/- (per each backlog paper)1. Fee for all Papers : Rs. 1950+150 (Memo) = Rs. 2100/-

2. Fee upto Two Papers Rs. 1060 + 150 (Memo) = Rs. 1210/-
MA / M.Sc / M.Com / M.Com (IS) / MSW / M.L.ib.Sc/B.Lib.Sc/MCJ (Semester Wise)2010-2011 to 2015-2016Rs. 3000/- (per each backlog paper)1. Fee for all Papers : Rs. 1950+150 (Memo) = Rs. 2100/-

2. Fee upto Two Papers Rs. 1060 + 150 (Memo) = Rs. 1210/-
MA / M.Sc / M.Com / M.Com (IS) / MSW / M.L.ib.Sc/B.Lib.Sc/MCJ (Semester Wise)2016-2017 to 2018-2019Rs. 2000/- (per each backlog paper)1. Fee for all Papers : Rs. 1950+150 (Memo) = Rs. 2100/-

2. Fee upto Two Papers Rs. 1060 + 150 (Memo) = Rs. 1210/-


The candidates are advised to remit the Examination fee in the of State Bank of India, O.U. Branch in favour of the Registrar, Examination Fee fund, O.U. A/C No.52198262033 through pay-in-slip, which is available at core bank counter in the Examination Branch, O.U. and obtain a receipt from the Bank and submit the same to the Examination Branch along with Examination Form.

OU P.G (MA/M.Com/M.Sc/M.S.W/M.Com (IS) M.LIb.Sc/MCJ/BCJ) One Time Chance Year Wise and Semester Wise Examinations Notification - Sep/Oct 2024
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by OU on 10-07-2024

