OU Extension of payment for Exam Fee of UG (CBCS) 1st Semester Regular Examinations - 2023


Osmania University Extension of payment for Exam Fee of UG (CBCS) BA/B.Com/B.Sc/B.B.A/ B.S.W Semester I (Regular) Examinations-2023

Osmania University

Osmania University - OU In continuation to the earlier Notification No.452/ UG/CBCS/Sem-I/ Reg/Exams/2023, dated: 13-11-2023, UG (CBCS) B.A/B.Com /B.Sc/B.B.A/B.S.W. Semesters- I (Regular) Candidates, the payment of exam fee dates and submission of EAF at their respective colleges and in the Examination Branch have been extended as shown below:

The last date for payment of Examination fee and submission of Examination application forms (EAF online) as shown below:-
DescriptionLast Date Without Late FeeWith late fee of Rs. 500/-
To Students :
Payment of Examinations fee and submission of Examination application forms at their respective colleges
08-12-202312-12-2023 & 13-12-2023
To Colleges :
1. Pay the consolidated Examination fee through online payment option (Net Banking/RTGS option provided in online application only.

2. Submission of E.A.F. Online

1. The students are advised to enclose Xerox copies of their qualifying examination certificate copies duly attested by the College Principal concerned.

2. The Blind, Physically Disabled, Deaf & Dumb students (who have 40% of minimum Disability) need not to pay Examination Fee as per O.0 Order No. 1555/228/2007-08/Budget-V, dated: 25-03-2008. A Xerox Copy of Medical Certificate must be attached to the EAF.

Osmania University Extension of payment for Exam Fee of UG (CBCS) BA/B.Com/B.Sc/B.B.A/ B.S.W Semester I (Regular) Examinations-2023
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by OU on 06-12-2023

