OU Demand Notice for the BCA I, III & V Semester Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024 - Affiliation - Remittance of various fees to the university.


Osmania University Demand Notice for the BCA I, III & V Semester Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024 - Affiliation - Remittance of various fees to the university.

Osmania University

Osmania University - OU In accordance with the reference cited, the colleges under O.U. which are offering BCA Course have to remit the following fee(s) for I, III & V Semesters admitted students to the university for the academic year 2023-2024 through UMS portal (Online) and obtain No Due Certificate from the Affiliation section, Directorate of Academic Audit, Osmania University.

Osmania University Demand Notice for the BCA I, III & V Semester Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024 - Affiliation - Remittance of various fees to the university.
Download Official Notification Here

The colleges have to enclose a copy of Affiliation Orders for the academic year 2023-24 along with their request for No Dues Certificate.

Note : Circular issued by OU on 26-11-2023

