OU Circular regarding UG (YWS) One Time Chance Internal and Practical Exams - May 2024


OU Circular regarding UG (YWS) BA/B.Com/BBA/B.S.W One Time Chance Internal and Practical Exams - May 2024

Osmania University

Osmania University - OU All the U.G College Principals are hereby informed to conduct UG (YWS) B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.A./B.S.W. One Time Chance Internal & Practical Examinations, 2024.

1. To conduct UG (YWS) One Time Chance Internal & Practical Examinations and upload the marks on OU website through college logins on or before 10-06-2024. 2. Foreign Languages Viva-Voce

3. IHC - I Year, Human Values & P.E-I Year, Environmental Studies -II Year, Science & Civilization-III Year, Computer Skills (B.A & B.Sc. I & II Year). (For the students who do not study Computer Science as core subject for I & II Year).

4. English Viva-Voce & CBT ( Paper -I & Paper - II)

5. All Practical Examinations / Projects /Viva-Voce of all Subjects Concerned.

6. The Viva-Voce & CBT Exams for English paper -I and II will be conducted at respective colleges. The CBT Exam has to be conducted as per the instructions given by the Chairman, Board of Studies, English, Department of English, O.U. The Exam has to be conducted by the internal examiner only.

7. The statistics practical examinations for I, II and III year students to be conducted at respective colleges

8. To make arrangements to conduct the Practical Examinations notifying the exact dates of examinations to the concerned candidates.

9. To conduct the Practical Examination on the basis of N.R. submitted by the Principal or on the basis of Hall Ticket of the candidate

10. D-Forms will be available in the college logins and absent should be marked as "Ab".

11. Conduct of Practical & Project Examinations is entrusted to the Principals of respective colleges by appointing Practical Internal / External Examiners in consultation and with the consent of concerned subject Chairperson, BOS. Project /Viva- Voce examinations to be conducted in consultation and with the consent of concerned subject Chairperson, BOS. Practical/Project/ Viva-voce examinations scripts should be submitted to the examination branch after uploading the marks through the I ink provided by the examination branch.

12. Principals of the concerned colleges will be held responsible for entries made on the website and award lists for all the examinations held at the college.

13. Principals are instructed to check meticulously before uploading the marks online through the college logins on to O.U. website. Marks once uploaded by the colleges are final and strictly there is no provision for any alterations.

14. Printed award list(s) along with manual D-Form should be submitted to the Examination Branch on or before 19-06-2024. If not submitted, fine shall be imposed after the due date.

OU Circular regarding UG (YWS) BA/B.Com/BBA/B.S.W One Time Chance Internal and Practical Exams - May 2024
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by OU on 30-04-2024

