OU BBA / MBA (5 Yrs Integrated Course) I, III, V, VII & IX Semester Regular Examinations Notification - March 2024


Osmania University BBA / MBA (5 Yrs Integrated Course) I, III, V, VII & IX Semester Regular Examinations Notification - March 2024

Osmania University

Osmania University - OU It is hereby notified that all the regular candidates of B.B.A./M.B.A. (5Yrs Integrated Course) I, III, V, VII & IX-Semesters (Regular) Examinations are scheduled in the month of March, 2024. The detailed Time-Table will be notified in due course.

The last date for payment of Examination fee and submission of Examination application forms (EAF online) as shown below:-
DescriptionLast Date Without Late FeeLast Date With Late Fee of Rs. 300/-
To Students :
Payment of Examinations fee and submission of Examination application forms at their respective colleges
To Colleges :
1. Pay the consolidated Examination fee through online payment option (Net Banking/RTGS option provided in online application only.

2. Submission of E.A.F. Online
3. Submission of Nominal Roll and Fee Receipt01-02-202401-02-2024

  • Fee for all Papers . Rs.3400 +100 = Rs. 3500/- (Memorandum of Marks)
  • Processing fee (once in a course time) : Rs. 500/- [For I Semester Candidates Only]

Note: For all the Regular students (I Semester) has to pay Rs.100/- along with the Examination fee for the Bio-Metric Attendance Monitoring.

1. The students are advised to enclose Xerox copies of their qualifying examination certificate copies duly attested by the College Principal concerned.

2. The Blind, Physically Disabled, Deaf & Dumb students (who have 40% of minimum Disability) need not to pay Examination Fee as per O.0 Order No. 1555/228/2007-08/Budget-V, dated: 25-03-2008. A Xerox Copy of Medical Certificate must be attached to the EAF.

3. The Principal is requested to send the Faculty list without which the examination forms will not be accepted.

4. The Principal is requested to verify the eligibility of the students thoroughly and forward the same to this office for the issue of Hall Ticket. If failed to verify the eligibility of the candidates, the principal is held responsible for the issue of hall ticket by this office to the non-eligible candidates.

5. The Principal may kindly forward all the examination application forms online Through College login

Osmania University BBA / MBA (5 Yrs Integrated Course) I, III, V, VII, IX Semester Regular Examinations Notification - March 2024
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by OU on 03-01-2024

