OU Almanac for MBA (Evening) & MBA (Technology Management - Evening) I, II Semesters for the Academic Year 2024-2025


Osmania University ( OU ) Almanac for MBA (Evening) & MBA (Technology Management - Evening) I, II Semesters for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Osmania University

Osmania University ( OU ) : I am desired to communicate the approval of the University for the following Almanac of MBA (Evening), MBA (Technology Management - Evening) I and II Semesters for the Academic Year 2024-2025:

I Semester Almanac :
1Commencement of Classes05-12-2024
2Last date for Re-admissions10-12-2024
31st Internal Assessment20-01-2025 to 25-01-2025
42nd Internal Assessment17-02-2025 to 22-02-2025
53rd Internal Assessment17-03-2025 to 22-03-2025
6Last date of Instructions04-04-2025
7Preparatory Holidays05-04-2025 to 15-04-2025
8Commencement of Examinations16-04-2025
9Project Report Work/Summer Vacation01-05-2025 to 31-05-2025

II Semester Almanac :
1Commencement of Classes03-06-2025
2Last date for Re-admissions06-06-2025
31st Internal Assessment14-07-2025 to 19-07-2025
42nd Internal Assessment18-08-2025 to 23-08-2025
53rd Internal Assessment15-09-2025 to 20-09-2025
6Last date of Instructions27-09-2025
7Preparatory Holidays28-09-2025 to 05-10-2025
8Commencement of Examinations06-10-2025

OU Almanac for MBA (Evening) & MBA (Technology Management - Evening) I, II Semesters for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by OU on 23-12-2024


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