- The M.Sc. Botany, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology.
- MA. English, Economics, History & Tourism, Political Science, Telugu.
- M.S.W. M.Com.
- Students who have written March 2023 Semester –I (Regular) Examinations and willing to apply for photocopy for the examinations held during March-2023 have to apply on or before 25.06.2023.
- Photocopy fee for each Subject is Rs. 1000/-.
PHOTOCOPY: The candidates will be provided photocopy of his/her theory answer script on payment. The request for photocopy of answer script should be submitted by the candidate in person at the Examination Branch, Mahatma Gandhi University on payment of Rs. 1000/- per paper. Last date for application is 26.06.2023.
Further, the college principals are requested to intimate the students regarding the above information and cooperate with the University.
MGU-Nalgonda PG I Semester Regular Examinations Photocopy Notification - June 2023

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