Kakatiya University Re-Admissions into UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2024-2025
Kakatiya University ( KU ) With reference to the subject cited, you are aware that the Students who discontinued the UG/ PG Courses for various reasons seek readmission to the Course in the subsequent / Successive academic year. It has been observed that the Principals of some of the Colleges without adhering to the re-admission norms, simply forwarding the applications without ascertaining the eligibility and proper enclosures. Some of the applications are received at the middle or end of class work and rejected at the Academic Branch, KU. It is the responsibility of the Principal and Staff of the College to guide the students and to comply with the rules and regulations of the Course.
The candidate detained in any Semester has to clear the papers and after getting promotion have to seek re-admission in the next subsequent year. The Principals of the Colleges should adhere to the norms and Academic Calendar. Only eligible applications have to be forwarded in time to the University duly ascertaining the eligibility. As per the norms, all such readmissions are accorded well in advance on or before commencement of classes of every Semester / Year of the Course.
Therefore, I am desired by the Vice- Chancellor to inform you to implement the Readmission Guidelines scrupulously and forward the eligible applications in the prescribed format duly absorbing the following.
Kakatiya University Re-Admissions into UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2024-2025
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by Kakatiya University ( KU ) on 20-06-2024
Kakatiya University ( KU ) With reference to the subject cited, you are aware that the Students who discontinued the UG/ PG Courses for various reasons seek readmission to the Course in the subsequent / Successive academic year. It has been observed that the Principals of some of the Colleges without adhering to the re-admission norms, simply forwarding the applications without ascertaining the eligibility and proper enclosures. Some of the applications are received at the middle or end of class work and rejected at the Academic Branch, KU. It is the responsibility of the Principal and Staff of the College to guide the students and to comply with the rules and regulations of the Course.
The candidate detained in any Semester has to clear the papers and after getting promotion have to seek re-admission in the next subsequent year. The Principals of the Colleges should adhere to the norms and Academic Calendar. Only eligible applications have to be forwarded in time to the University duly ascertaining the eligibility. As per the norms, all such readmissions are accorded well in advance on or before commencement of classes of every Semester / Year of the Course.
Therefore, I am desired by the Vice- Chancellor to inform you to implement the Readmission Guidelines scrupulously and forward the eligible applications in the prescribed format duly absorbing the following.
Kakatiya University Re-Admissions into UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2024-2025
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by Kakatiya University ( KU ) on 20-06-2024