JNTUK X Convocation Gold medals Provisional list 2023
JNTU-Kakinada ( JNTUK ) All the Principals of constituent and affiliated colleges are here by informed that the following is the provisional list of toppers selected for University Gold Medals, Endowment Gold Medals and Cash Prizes in X Convocation for the academic year 2019-2023.
Objections, if any, on the list of toppers may please be communicated to the Director of Evaluation, JNTUK by email to de@jntuk.edu.in or by post on or before 21-12-2023.
JNTUK X Convocation Gold medals Provisional list 2023
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTUK on 08-12-2023

JNTU-Kakinada ( JNTUK ) All the Principals of constituent and affiliated colleges are here by informed that the following is the provisional list of toppers selected for University Gold Medals, Endowment Gold Medals and Cash Prizes in X Convocation for the academic year 2019-2023.
Objections, if any, on the list of toppers may please be communicated to the Director of Evaluation, JNTUK by email to de@jntuk.edu.in or by post on or before 21-12-2023.
JNTUK X Convocation Gold medals Provisional list 2023
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTUK on 08-12-2023