JNTUK X Convocation Final University Gold Medal lists for 2019-2023 - Reg

JNTUK X Convocation Final University Gold Medal lists for 2019-2023 - Reg


JNTU-Kakinada ( JNTUK ) Final List of University Gold Medalists for 2019-2023 batch The following is the final list of the Toppers of various Bachelor Degree Programmes in Engineering/Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture from Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges (Except Autonomous Colleges) of JNTUK, Kakinada, who are eligible to receive Gold Medals and Endowment Medals/Prizes in X Convocation scheduled to be held in 29-01-2024.

JNTUK X Convocation Final University Gold Medal lists for 2019-2023 - Reg
Download Official Notification Here

JNTUK Willingness form to attend X Convocation for University PhD Awardees Gold Medals and Endowment Cash Awardees
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by JNTUK on 28-12-2023

