JNTUK Pending ODs
Link 1 | Link 2
Follow the Instructions given below
Link 1 | Link 2
Follow the Instructions given below
- If the problem mentioned is Image problem or photo problem then please upload CLEAR scanned image as per NOTE1/NOTE2.
- If the problem mentioned is Name mistake or Father name mistake then compare your SSC with PC and get your PC corrected and upload the corrected PC as per NOTE 1/NOTE 2.
- If the problem mentioned is Memos problem then please upload the clear scanned copies of all the memos(PG students) as per NOTE1/NOTE2.
- If the problem mentioned is class correction,pcno or pcslno mistakes,percentage problem,branch correction then please clear these issues for the further processing of your OD as per NOTE 1/NOTE 2.
- If the problem mentioned is Aadhaar then please upload the same as per NOTE 1/NOTE 2.
- If the problem mentioned Files not clear then please reupload the files(scanned copies must be clear) as per NOTE 1/NOTE 2 .
- NOTE 1:- Those students who have applied for OD after MAY-2018 and are kept in pending list has been provided with an edit option(in uploading documents) to rectify their respective problem. https://www.jntukexams.net/online1/login.php
- NOTE 2:- Those students who have applied for OD before MAY-2018 and are kept in pending should submit the respective files at University Examination Section or they can be sent through post
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