JNTUK Final Jumbling/Clustering centers List for I B.TECH I and II Semesters, and PharmD I and II year Regular/Supplementary Examination Jan-2024
JNTUK Final Jumbling/Clustering centers List for I B.TECH I and II Semesters, and PharmD I and II year Regular/Supplementary Examination Jan-2024
Download Official Notification Here
Note :
JNTUK Final Jumbling/Clustering centers List for I B.TECH I and II Semesters, and PharmD I and II year Regular/Supplementary Examination Jan-2024
Download Official Notification Here
Note :
- Final List Updated on 17-01-2024
- Circular issued by JNTUK on 02-01-2024
- For any queries mail to jntukkdexams@gmail.com on or before 16-01-2024 [06:00 PM]
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