JNTUK All the examinations scheduled on 14.05.2024 are Postponed
JNTU-Kakinada ( JNTUK ) All the Principals of affiliated colleges are hereby informed that in view of the General Elections, all the Examinations held on 14-05-2024 (Tuesday) are postponed. The revised dates of the postponed exams will be given later. The students may be informed accordingly.
JNTUK All the examinations scheduled on 14.05.2024 are Postponed
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTUK on 14-05-2024
JNTU-Kakinada ( JNTUK ) All the Principals of affiliated colleges are hereby informed that in view of the General Elections, all the Examinations held on 14-05-2024 (Tuesday) are postponed. The revised dates of the postponed exams will be given later. The students may be informed accordingly.
JNTUK All the examinations scheduled on 14.05.2024 are Postponed
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTUK on 14-05-2024