JNTUH Time Tables - Oct 2020
JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 Semester (R18, R16) & 1st Year (R15, R13, R09) Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH All the Principals are informed to note the revised schedules for various activities of B.Tech I-I (R18, R16), B.Pharm I-I (R17, R16), B.Tech / B.Pharm I year (R09,R13 and R15), B.Tech / B.Pharm II-I, III-I & IV-I supply, M.Tech/M.Pharm I-II Regular/supply & I-I supply and Pharm.D / Pharm.D(PB) Regular and Supplementary and MBA I-II Regular/supply, I-I, II-I Supply, MCA I-II, II-II Regular/Supply, I-I,II-I and III-I supply Examinations as shown in Table-1 hereunder. These examinations (spell-2 examinations) are scheduled to commence from 12-10-2020 (Monday).
JNTUH Revised dates of various activities related to B.Tech / B.Pharm / M.Tech / M.Pharm / MBA / MCA / Pharm.D / Pharm.D(PB) Oct 2020 Exams
JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 Semester (R18, R16) & 1st Year (R15, R13, R09) Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020
JNTUH All the Principals are informed to note the revised schedules for various activities of B.Tech I-I (R18, R16), B.Pharm I-I (R17, R16), B.Tech / B.Pharm I year (R09,R13 and R15), B.Tech / B.Pharm II-I, III-I & IV-I supply, M.Tech/M.Pharm I-II Regular/supply & I-I supply and Pharm.D / Pharm.D(PB) Regular and Supplementary and MBA I-II Regular/supply, I-I, II-I Supply, MCA I-II, II-II Regular/Supply, I-I,II-I and III-I supply Examinations as shown in Table-1 hereunder. These examinations (spell-2 examinations) are scheduled to commence from 12-10-2020 (Monday).
S.No | Exams | Start Date | End Date |
1 | Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.2000/- | - | 30-09-2020 |
2 | Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.5000/- | 01-10-2020 | 10-10-2020 |
3 | Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.10000/- * This late fee application should be manually submitted along with demand draft. | 11-10-2020 | Till end of exams |
4 | Downloading (through examination portal) and issue of hall-tickets | 08-10-2020 | - |
5 | Commencement of Theory Examinations | 12-10-2020 | - |
JNTUH Revised dates of various activities related to B.Tech / B.Pharm / M.Tech / M.Pharm / MBA / MCA / Pharm.D / Pharm.D(PB) Oct 2020 Exams

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