JNTUH Relaxation of Promotion rules for R22 B.Pharmacy students from 2-2 Semester to 3-1 Semester for the Academic Year 2024-25

JNTUH Relaxation of Promotion rules for R22 B.Pharmacy students from 2-2 Semester to 3-1 Semester for the Academic Year 2024-25


JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) As per the promotion rules of B.Pharmacy R22 Academic Regulations, students have to promote from II Year to III Year as mentioned
(i) Regular course of study of second year
(ii) Must have passed all the subjects/courses upto I Year II Semester from all the relevant regular and supplementary examinations, whether the students takes those examinations or not.

In the Procds. (2) read above, the University has given certain credits relaxation for the promotion rules to B.Tech R22 Regular students

Certain representations received from the Principals of B.Pharmacy Colleges to extend the relaxation in credit promotions to R22 B.Pharmacy on par with R22 B.Tech.

Under these circumstances, the Vice-Chancellor is pleased to grant permission to relax the promotion rules from the II Year to the III Year for B.Pharmacy R22 Regulations, allowing a maximum of 6 subjects/courses as backlogs up to I Year II Semester from all relevant regular and supplementary examinations, regardless of whether the student has taken those examinations or not.

The above relaxations shall be implemented with immediate effect. However, this matter may be placed in the forthcoming Academic Senate/Executive Council meeting for ratification.

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JNTUH Relaxation of Promotion rules for R22 B.Pharmacy students from 2-2 Semester to 3-1 Semester for the Academic Year 2024-25
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Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 22-11-2024
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