JNTUH : Procedure to Apply for PC & CMM


Well-Known Member
Procedure to Apply For Provisional Certificates (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memos (CMM) For All Courses

I. JNTUH How to apply for PC and CMM With Grace Marks :
a) Filled in Form-5 ==> Download Link 1 | Download Link 2

b) Photostat copy of SSC.

c) Original Marks Memo(s) containing subject(s) for which award of Grace Marks requested.

d) Amount if any : Paid at college

e) Submit above documents at your college exam cell (or) The application along with the necessary documents is to be submitted at the Student Service Section counter JNTUH Examination Branch.

II. JNTUH How to apply for PC and CMM With Undertaking :
a) Filled in form-6 ==> Download Link 1 | Download Link 2

b) Photostat copy of SSC

c) Amount if any : Paid at college

d) Submit above documents at your college exam cell (or) The application along with the necessary documents is to be submitted at the Student Service Section counter JNTUH Examination Branch.

III. JNTUH How to apply for PC and CMM With Grace Marks and Undertaking :
a) Filled in form-7 ==> Download Link 1 | Download Link 2

b) Photostat copy of SSC

c) Original Marks Memo(s) containing subject(s) for which award of Grace Marks requested.

d) Amount If any : Paid at college

e) Submit above documents at your college exam cell (or) Duly filled in application is to be submitted at the Student Service Section counter JNTUH Examination Branch.

1. The payments can be made in one of the following modes: Smart-card swiping/ T-Wallet/ SBI Challan / DD

2. If Demand Draft is taken, it should be drawn in favor of THE REGISTRAR JNTUH, payable at Hyderabad. The student Hall-Ticket number should be written on the backside of DD.

3. If the student desires to choose challan option, the challan should be taken only at the campus SBI (JNTU Hyderabad) Branch.

4. The T-Wallet/ Swiping facility using the smart card (debit/credit card) is available at the student service counter.

IV. JNTUH How to apply in Tatkal Mode for PC and CMM of B.Tech / B.Pharmacy / M.Tech / M. Pharmacy / Pharm.D / MBA / MCA / M.Sc :
a) Filled in Form-8 ==> Download Link 1 | Download Link 2

b) Endorsement from the college Principal on the filled-in application form.

c) Photostat copy of SSC.

d) Original Project Viva Voce report (in a sealed cover) for PG courses.

e) Amount : UG = Rs. 2000/- & PG = Rs.2210/-

Instructions : The students, who require their PC &CMM, under tatkal scheme have to submit the available application on college letter-head dully signed by Principal.

V. JNTUH How to apply in Tatkal Mode for PC and CMM with Undertaking for B.Tech :
a) Filled in Form-9 ==> Download Link 1 | Download Link 2

b) Endorsement from the college Principal on the filled-in application form.

c) Photostat copy of SSC

d) Amount : Rs.2000/-

e) The application along with the necessary documents is to be submitted at the Student Service Section counter JNTUH Examination Branch.

1. Certificates under TATKAL scheme will be issued within in two working days.

2. All payments shall be made through Demand Drafts drawn in favour of THE REGISTRAR JNTUH, payable at Hyderabad.

3. Provision to make payments through challan is available only at SBI JNTU Hyderabad Branch.

4. The T-Wallet/ Swiping facility using the smart card(Debit/credit card) is available at the student service counter.

5. Student should write his/her Hall Ticket Number on the back-side of the Demand Draft, if the mode of payment is DD.

VI. JNTUH PC For All Courses :
a) Filled in Application Form.

b) Demand Draft for Rs. 200/- should be drawn in favour of the REGISTRAR, J.N.T. UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD, Payable at Hyderabad.

c) Xerox Copy of SSC Certificate should be enclosed


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I have one backlog in 4-2 sem and i want the original marks memo immediately so can i apply it in tatkal process
Sir, in my 4-2 results.. one subject was not displayed.i was caught in that exam due to other students mistake. now, should i consider it as a fail or what ? please help me. what should i do ? should i apply that subject for exception or do nothing ?
I have one backlog in 4-2 sem and i want the original marks memo immediately so can i apply it in tatkal process
Usually Memos will be issued mostly 5 to 7 days after results are issued. Yes you can apply for 4-2 memo in tatkal even.

Sir, in my 4-2 results.. one subject was not displayed.i was caught in that exam due to other students mistake. now, should i consider it as a fail or what ? please help me. what should i do ? should i apply that subject for exception or do nothing ?
Contact your college exam cell staff & find out the details. Mostly you are booked under malpractice case that's the reason results is not given for your number. Usually they will send the results of malpractice students [subjects results] to colleges.
I want to apply for grace marks in one subject which i have failed . Since I am applicable for grace marks . I want to know how much time it will take to get that grace marks and my new 4-2 memo.
sir i have taken the 4-2 original memo from tatkal process for applying for grace marks but in our exam branch people are telling that you should apply for skipping that subject i told them that i am applicable for grace marks because i got 19 in my external . after hearing from them i applied for revaluation . i want to know that if i passed in revaluation result then jntu will send a new marks memo to my college or not because i have taken 4-2 memo in which i have failed? please reply
If you clear in RV results they will send a revised memo. At that time you need to submit the old memo. The thing is you need to avail exemption first & if still you have any backlogs then you can avail grace marks rule to get the passed & to get the degree.
Sir the advance supply dates for 4-2 has came and last date for applying is 7 july i have applied for 4-2 RV so can i apply for advance supply
Still time tables are not yet issued. Pay exam fee for supple exams. If you clear your exams after RC/RV results then jntuh will refund the exam fee amount.
i have appiled for exception in college before 10days and how many days does it take to get my pc i need it urgently as my office people need the photocopy of it .
If you are need of memos then you should have applied in tatkal mode. Contact your college exam cell staff to find out the status on memos.
In normal process it would take 20 to 30 days. In tatkal process it would take 3 to 5 days max.