JNTUH Pharm.D I, IV Year and Pharm.D (PB) I Year Regular/Supplementary Examinations Results - October/November 2023

JNTUH The Examinations Results for Pharm.D I Year Regular October, 2023, Pharm.D IV Year Supplementary November, 2023 and Pharm.D (PB) I Year Regular October, 2023 Examinations results have been declared. The colleges are here by informed to collect the Marks Memoranda from the dispatch Section, Examination Branch for the same.


As per University Order NO. JNTUH/109/12 Dt. 23/07/2012, if marks awarded are more than 15% of the max marks after re‐valuation of answer scripts compared to previous evaluation, then only the revaluation marks considered as change in marks for issue of fresh marks memo

Note: The last date for Recounting/Revaluation is 05-02-2024

JNTUH Procedure to apply for Recounting

JNTUH Procedure To Apply For Revaluation
When does the grace marks applied marks sheets will come to repesteced college please let us know it's becoming very trouble to us that still we haven't received it @Rahul @Rahul
Ok try to contact your college exam cell staff for the status on memos.
As I contacted to my collage staff they are saying that we didn't received your certificates if you have any chance contact to jntuh you can contact directly so please can you say Any helpline that we can contact to jntuh exam branch as per student support one of the contact number is switched off and the other one is about OD can you please says another way to contact jntuh
As I contacted to my collage staff they are saying that we didn't received your certificates if you have any chance contact to jntuh you can contact directly so please can you say Any helpline that we can contact to jntuh exam branch as per student support one of the contact number is switched off and the other one is about OD can you please says another way to contact jntuh
@Rahul @Rahul