JNTUH Notification for recognition of eligible supervisors - Reg

JNTUH Notification for recognition of eligible supervisors - Reg


JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) ln continuation of the earlier letter from this office (Ref.1 cited above), the Principals are informed to instruct the eligible faculty members to note the following.

1. Faculty members who were provisionally selected as eligible supervisors in the previous notifications (Ref. 2 cited above) should not apply again. The recent notification is intended only for those faculty members who have fulfilled the eligibility conditions subsequently or those who have joined JNTUH-affiliated cglleges thereafter.

2. Faculty members who were provisionally selected as eligible supervisors but have moved from one affiliated college to another within JNTUH need not apply again. A proyision will be made in the University R&D Cell portal for all eligible supervisors to update their personal and professional details (including college changes) whenever there are updates to their profile. Please note that supervisors are eligible for the allotment of scholars only if they are employed in one of the University's affiliated

3. colleges at the time of allotment. lf any faculty member was ratified in any JNTU-affiliated college prior to the trifurcation (before 2008), that ratification proof will be considered valid, irrespective of the college where the ratification was granted

JNTUH Notification for recognition of eligible supervisors - Reg
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 26-11-2024

