JNTUH Notice for Payment of Ph.D Tutuion Fee Pertaining to the Academic Year 2024-25
JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) Research Scholars pursuing Ph.D. Course in JNTU Hyderabad are hereby informed that the Annual Tuition Fee for the Academic Year 2024-25 should be paid on or before 31-07-2024 (without late fee). If not paid in time, a penalty will be collected on cumulative basis as per University norms.
Payment instructions:
1. Online payment link: https://drnd.intuh.ac.inlscholar/
2. e-Receipt Submission: The generated copy of the e-Receipt should be sent to the R&D Email ld: rndfees@intuh.ac.in from the research scholar's registered Email ld.
Important : Ensure that the payment is made within the stipulated time to avoid any penalties.
JNTUH Notice for Payment of Ph.D Tutuion Fee Pertaining to the Academic Year 2024-25
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 06-06-2024
JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) Research Scholars pursuing Ph.D. Course in JNTU Hyderabad are hereby informed that the Annual Tuition Fee for the Academic Year 2024-25 should be paid on or before 31-07-2024 (without late fee). If not paid in time, a penalty will be collected on cumulative basis as per University norms.
Payment instructions:
1. Online payment link: https://drnd.intuh.ac.inlscholar/
2. e-Receipt Submission: The generated copy of the e-Receipt should be sent to the R&D Email ld: rndfees@intuh.ac.in from the research scholar's registered Email ld.
Important : Ensure that the payment is made within the stipulated time to avoid any penalties.
JNTUH Notice for Payment of Ph.D Tutuion Fee Pertaining to the Academic Year 2024-25
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 06-06-2024