JNTUH NOTICE for List of Eligible Candidates for Entrance Examination External Part Time Ph.D -2024-25

JNTUH NOTICE for List of Eligible Candidates for Entrance Examination External Part Time Ph.D -2024-25


JNTUH List of candidates eligible for appearing for External (Part Time) Ph.D. -2024-25 entrance test is placed in the JNTUH website. The candidates who have applied with UGC-NET/UGC-CSIR NET/SLET/GATE/GPAT Teacher fellowship are also given a provision to appear for the entrance examination along with other students.

The candidates who have qualified in the UGC-NET/ UGC-CSIR NET/SLET/GATE/GPAT Teacher fellowship holders as per UGC norms are exempted from the Entrance Test conducted by JNTUH.

The Original certificates will be verified before the conduct of interview for eligible candidates.

JNTUH NOTICE for List of Eligible Candidates for Entrance Examination External Part Time Ph.D -2024-25
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 16-07-2024

