JNTUH Mid-Term Examinations Pattern For B.Tech R22 Regulations
JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) In Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE), for theory subjects, during a semester, there shall be two mid-term examinations. Each Mid-Term examination consists of two parts i) Part - A for 10 marks, ii) Part - B for 20 marks with a total duration of 2 hours as follows:
Mid Term Examination for 30 marks:
a. Part - A : Objective/quiz paper for 10 marks.
b. Part - B : Descriptive paper for 20 marks.
The objective/quiz paper is set with multiple choice, fill-in the blanks and match the following type of questions for a total of 10 marks. The descriptive paper shall contain 6 full questions out of which, the student has to answer 4 questions, each carrying 5 marks. The average of the two Mid Term Examinations shall be taken as the final marks for Mid Term Examination (for 30 marks).
Note : The performance of a student in every subject/course will be evaluated with 40 marks allotted for CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation). 30 Marks for Mid Exams & The remaining 10 marks of Continuous Internal Evaluation are distributed as:
Important Points to be noted :
JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) In Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE), for theory subjects, during a semester, there shall be two mid-term examinations. Each Mid-Term examination consists of two parts i) Part - A for 10 marks, ii) Part - B for 20 marks with a total duration of 2 hours as follows:
Mid Term Examination for 30 marks:
a. Part - A : Objective/quiz paper for 10 marks.
b. Part - B : Descriptive paper for 20 marks.
The objective/quiz paper is set with multiple choice, fill-in the blanks and match the following type of questions for a total of 10 marks. The descriptive paper shall contain 6 full questions out of which, the student has to answer 4 questions, each carrying 5 marks. The average of the two Mid Term Examinations shall be taken as the final marks for Mid Term Examination (for 30 marks).
Note : The performance of a student in every subject/course will be evaluated with 40 marks allotted for CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation). 30 Marks for Mid Exams & The remaining 10 marks of Continuous Internal Evaluation are distributed as:
- Assignment for 5 marks. (Average of 2 Assignments each for 5 marks)
- Subject Viva-Voce/PPT/Poster Presentation/ Case Study on a topic in the concerned subject for 5 marks.
Important Points to be noted :
- The first mid-term examination shall be conducted on 50% of the syllabus, the second mid-term examination shall be conducted on the remaining 50% of the syllabus.
- Five (5) marks are allocated for assignments (as specified by the subject teacher concerned). The first assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the first mid-term examination, and the second assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the second mid-term examination. The average of the two assignments shall be taken as the final marks for assignment (for 5 marks).
- Subject Viva-Voce/PPT/Poster Presentation/ Case Study on a topic in the subject concerned for 5 marks before II Mid-Term Examination
- The student is eligible to write Semester End Examination of the concerned subject, if the student scores ≥ 35% (14 marks) of 40 Continuous Internal Examination (CIE) marks.
- In case, the student appears for Semester End Examination (SEE) of the concerned subject but not scored minimum 35% of CIE marks (14 marks out of 40 internal marks), his performance in that subject in SEE shall stand cancelled inspite of appearing the SEE.
- There is NO Computer Based Test (CBT) for R22 regulations.
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