JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks

JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks


JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks
  • Grace marks can be added to any no.of theory subjects (irrespective of credits other than Major Project, Minor Project, Comprehensive Viva-Voce, Seminar) - For B.Tech (R18) 2018, 2019, 2020 Regular and 2019, 2020, 2021 lateral entry for the academic year 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 outgoing students only.
  • Grace marks can be added only to 1 or 2 subjects maximum. (irrespective of credits other than Major Project, Minor Project, Comprehensive Viva-Voce, Seminar)
  • Grace marks can be added only for external marks.
  • Grace marks can't be added to internal marks.
  • The best performance among all the external examinations shall be considered while giving the grace marks. i.e., you can use even your best previous result [Best external mark among all Regular/Supple exams till now] while applying for grace marks.
  • Students can apply for grace marks only after they get the original marks memos.
  • Tatkal Process not applicable for Grace Marks. You need to apply at college only for grace marks.
  • You can apply for grace marks any time. No such deadline or last date is applicable while applying for grace marks.
JNTUH How to apply for PC and CMM With Grace Marks

JNTUH Changes Made in the Grace Marks Rule - Consideration of Previous Best Performance

JNTUH Complete Info on Leaving of 2 Subjects and Grace Marks For Various Regulations of B.Tech

JNTUH Various Procedures to Obtain Marks Memos For All Courses

Student Feedback Who had applied for grace marks. Timeline to obtain memos after applying for grace marks.
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Okasari miru call cheyandi bro please so that we get clarity memu call chesthey ala antunaru miru kuda cheyandi miru aethey clarity ga adugutharu please okasari Pina number call chesi clarity ga adgandi bro
Okasari miru call cheyandi bro please so that we get clarity memu call chesthey ala antunaru miru kuda cheyandi miru aethey clarity ga adugutharu please okasari Pina number call chesi clarity ga adgandi bro
JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks


JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks
  • Grace marks can be added to any no.of theory subjects (irrespective of credits other than Major Project, Minor Project, Comprehensive Viva-Voce, Seminar) - For B.Tech (R18) 2018, 2019, 2020 Regular and 2019, 2020, 2021 lateral entry for the academic year 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 outgoing students only.
  • Grace marks can be added only to 1 or 2 subjects maximum. (irrespective of credits other than Major Project, Minor Project, Comprehensive Viva-Voce, Seminar)
  • Grace marks can be added only for external marks.
  • Grace marks can't be added to internal marks.
  • The best performance among all the external examinations shall be considered while giving the grace marks. i.e., you can use even your best previous result [Best external mark among all Regular/Supple exams till now] while applying for grace marks.
  • Students can apply for grace marks only after they get the original marks memos.
  • Tatkal Process not applicable for Grace Marks. You need to apply at college only for grace marks.
  • You can apply for grace marks any time. No such deadline or last date is applicable while applying for grace marks.
JNTUH How to apply for PC and CMM With Grace Marks

JNTUH Changes Made in the Grace Marks Rule - Consideration of Previous Best Performance

JNTUH Complete Info on Leaving of 2 Subjects and Grace Marks For Various Regulations of B.Tech

JNTUH Various Procedures to Obtain Marks Memos For All Courses
Bro I'm a lateral entry student(R18) and I have cosm internal- 10 external- 18 best among all regular/supply and BEFA internal- 21 external- 17 best among all regular/supply how are grace marks applicable for me bro please reply and also I have applied for subject exemption in (diploma) I'm i eligible to apply?
Hi bro I came to known that one college got the eligibility list...can confirm that which clg had got the eligibility list for 2024 batch?
Bro may I know which clg have got the grace marks eligible list so that we can ask in our college please let me know the few colleges name?
Bro I'm a lateral entry student(R18) and I have cosm internal- 10 external- 18 best among all regular/supply and BEFA internal- 21 external- 17 best among all regular/supply how are grace marks applicable for me bro please reply and also I have applied for subject exemption in (diploma) I'm i eligible to apply?
Grace marks are applicable.
Bro may I know which clg have got the grace marks eligible list so that we can ask in our college please let me know the few colleges name?
Original marks memo ne petala result petodha grace marks ki.
Only 1 subject or 2 subjects unte list lo mana name radanta nijamena 50-50 chances ah?
Bro may I know which clg have got the grace marks eligible list so that we can ask in our college please let me know the few colleges name?
All the colleges got the list.

Original marks memo ne petala result petodha grace marks ki.
Only 1 subject or 2 subjects unte list lo mana name radanta nijamena 50-50 chances ah?
What's your regulation. You need to submit the original marks memo while applying for grace marks.
In eligibility list I got my name for 2 subjects R18 and in that one subject M2 I wrote supply last month and next week results will come,I did not applyied for grace waiting for result, so If I pass M2 subject only 2 subject will be there, so can I add grace to that remaining one subject?? Or any problem will occur??
Hi Rahul! I am an R18 student 2024 passout. I have 1 backlog in compiler design (internal :- 23 external:- 16). My name is in the grace marks list but before I apply I need to know how long will the entire process take? Coz I have my supply exam for it on the 19th of august. So I want to know which will be faster and better. I just want the result faster so that I can apply for mtech admissions.
Within 2 months you might receive the memos after you apply for grace marks. 45 to 50 days time might take for the results to release after exams are completed. If you are confident then go for the exam if not apply for grace marks.
In eligibility list I got my name for 2 subjects R18 and in that one subject M2 I wrote supply last month and next week results will come,I did not applyied for grace waiting for result, so If I pass M2 subject only 2 subject will be there, so can I add grace to that remaining one subject?? Or any problem will occur??
What happens if I secure highest marks for m2 among all exams but not passed.
My dought is I got list and my name also, should I apply to recent highest marks or in list marks mentioned in list to apply.
Should I need to wait for another list or old list my name is given.
Hi @Rahul ,

First of all thanks for your help, updates and information regarding everything related to B.Tech and especially for R16 students including me. Today finally my PC & CMM received by college also in JNTUH Student Services Portal my PC, OD & Migration and Medium Certificates are updated with portal and i applied from online.

So, within how many days i will receive my OD, Medium & Migration Certificate?

Also, once again thank you so much for all your help and info related to my queries and all your quick responses.

Finally! Completed my B.Tech (R16) !

The timeline for my all works of certificates as follows (Attaching especially for those students who asks how many days it will take to get PC & CMM with Subject Exemeption & Grace Marks of R16):

Backlogs: M2 & M4 (R16)

Recent Exams wrote on: 1st Feb 2024 (M2) & 12th Feb 2024 (M4)

M2 Result Released on: March 2024

M4 Result Released on: 1st April 2024

Grace Marks taken in M4 (Got 17 in External and for R16 Regular Students 10 Marks can be take as Grace)


Exemption for M2 (4 credits subject as R16 has 6 Credits Exemption)

Day 1: Applied and Gave Application for R16 Subject Exemption (M2) and Grace Marks (M4) in College on 28th May 2024

Day 5: College submitted my application manually to JNTUH on 1st June 2024

Day 75: College recived PC & CMM from JNTUH

Day 77: JNTUH has updated Student Services Portal to apply for OD, Migration & for medium certificate.

So, it has taken me almost 77 days to get my PC & CMM after applying for Grace Marks & Subject Exemption for R16 (Regular Student).

Thanks for taking time & reading above things for the information.

Thanks to all of you and especially to @Rahul for providing timely information, quick & on time responses and for the every help.

Thank you so much!
Will add your feedback in each post of the grace marks so that students will get an idea about the timeline of obtaining memos after applying for grace marks. Thanks for sharing the detailed feedback with us.