JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks
JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks
JNTUH Changes Made in the Grace Marks Rule - Consideration of Previous Best Performance
JNTUH Complete Info on Leaving of 2 Subjects and Grace Marks For Various Regulations of B.Tech
JNTUH Various Procedures to Obtain Marks Memos For All Courses
Student Feedback Who had applied for grace marks. Timeline to obtain memos after applying for grace marks.
JNTUH Important Points to be noted while applying for grace marks
- Grace marks can be added to any no.of theory subjects (irrespective of credits other than Major Project, Minor Project, Comprehensive Viva-Voce, Seminar) - For B.Tech (R18) 2018, 2019, 2020 Regular and 2019, 2020, 2021 lateral entry for the academic year 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 outgoing students only.
- Grace marks can be added only to 1 or 2 subjects maximum. (irrespective of credits other than Major Project, Minor Project, Comprehensive Viva-Voce, Seminar)
- Grace marks can be added only for external marks.
- Grace marks can't be added to internal marks.
- The best performance among all the external examinations shall be considered while giving the grace marks. i.e., you can use even your best previous result [Best external mark among all Regular/Supple exams till now] while applying for grace marks.
- Students can apply for grace marks only after they get the original marks memos.
- Tatkal Process not applicable for Grace Marks. You need to apply at college only for grace marks.
- You can apply for grace marks any time. No such deadline or last date is applicable while applying for grace marks.
JNTUH Changes Made in the Grace Marks Rule - Consideration of Previous Best Performance
JNTUH Complete Info on Leaving of 2 Subjects and Grace Marks For Various Regulations of B.Tech
JNTUH Various Procedures to Obtain Marks Memos For All Courses
Student Feedback Who had applied for grace marks. Timeline to obtain memos after applying for grace marks.
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