JNTUH FAQs Related to one-time-chance exams and Internal Improvement Exams


JNTUH FAQs Related to one-time-chance exams and Internal Improvement Exams


JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) The detailed FAQs are given as Annexure to this letter for understanding the scope of the new orders of the University. The cooperation of the Principals is highly solicited

1) Who are eligible to write CBT exam for improvement of internal marks?
The students who secure internal marks less than the marks specified are only eligible to write the CBT exam for improvement of internal marks. This specified marks can be computed using the formula: 0.4*Total-Marks -0.35*External-marks in case of UG courses and 0.5 *Total Marks -0.4* External-marks in case of PG courses.

2) After writing CBT exam for internal marks improvement, is it necessary to write (one time chance) semester end exam?
Yes. It is compulsory to register and write (one time chance) semester–end examinations after the CBT exam. The final marks will be calculated based on the CBT and semesters end examination of special supply exams

3) Whether the students who write special CBT followed by one-time-chance exam are eligible for grace marks / credit exemption?
Yes, the students who write CBT exam followed by (one-time-chance) semester end exam are eligible for the grace marks as well as undertaking as per the academic regulations prevailing during the period study of their course work.

4) Are the previous internal marks will be deleted if the marks secured in the present CBT are less or registered for CBT but not appeared?
No, if the new marks are less than the old internal marks or registered but not attended CBT exam, the old internal marks will be retained, as it is an internal improvement examination.

5) One-time chance of CBT are meant for only UG (B. Tech. and B. Pharm.) courses or for both UG and PG courses?
These examinations are primarily meant for all the UG courses which are offered at JNTU/JNTUH. The University has given permission for re-registration of specific courses and/or registration for internal marks improvement from the R09 regulations onwards. Hence the students of PG courses after R09 regulations are not eligible to register for CBT exams. If academic regulations of specific PG course has not given a provision for re-registration of subjects and /or registration for improvement of internal marks, students of such courses are also eligible for the internal improvement exams.

6) Are the PG students who passed all the subjects but did not submit project works are eligible to registers for project viva exams?
Yes such PG students are eligible to register for project viva exam. The list of all PG students who are eligible to apply for projects viva-vice exam have been shared with principals of respective colleges (from the admitted year 2009 onwards). However if any student is eligible but not show in the list, such candidates can also register using the physical application form attached as annexure to main notification.

7) I am having backlog subjects, but the software application does not show the details when my hall ticket number is entered, What to do?
If any students are eligible but not shown in the list, such candidates can also register using the physical application form attached as annexure to main notification.

8) I am a PG student I completed course work of first two semesters. But I did not complete comprehensive viva-voce exam or seminar in 3rd 4th semester. AM I eligible?
No. The comprehensive viva-voce and seminar are part of internal assessment. Hence it treated as part of course work. Such students are not eligible to appear for one-time chance exam (even double the duration plus two years term completed)

9) Is it possible to register for these examinations directly in website?
No. The candidates have to consult the college either physically or over phone / mail, where they studied their course, to complete the registration process along with the fee payment.

10) How to do the registrations for the exams if the college where the candidate studied was closed?
Most of the closed colleges have been attached to one or more affiliated colleges under JNTUH at the time of closure of their college. The students have to approach the attached college for the registration of CBT/one-time-chance exam. For any further information, the candidates can reach the University examination branch at student service section.

11) Is it applicable for the students of the colleges which are now affiliated to JNTUK, JNTUA and JNAFAU?
No, these students are not eligible. As the data of these students has already been transferred to the respective Universities, such students cannot be given eligibility to write the CBT exam and one-time chance exams of JNTUH.

JNTUH CBT for Internal marks improvement followed by One-time chance exam for students of all courses
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 09-09-2023
Ok thank you bhai. I feel like bless. Onece again thank you for posting this notifications.
We will know only once the time tables are published by JNTUH.
Ok thank you bhai. I feel like bless. Onece again thank you for posting this notifications.
i am 2023 passedout student i have least internal in 2-1 am i eligible to apply one time CBT for that exams
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Iam a 2022 Passed Out Student with readmitted in R18 in 3 year but I have 1 backlog in 2-1 internal marks is low but I have exam 2-1 exam in this month I am eligible for cbt or not
is 2023 r17 bpharmacy passouts students eligible for improvement cbt??
Eligible if The students who secure internal marks less than the marks specified are only eligible to write the CBT exam for improvement of internal marks. This specified marks can be computed using the formula: 0.4*Total-Marks -0.35*External-marks in case of UG courses and 0.5 *Total Marks -0.4* External-marks in case of PG courses.

i am 2023 passedout student i have least internal in 2-1 am i eligible to apply one time CBT for that exams
Eligible The students who secure internal marks less than the marks specified are only eligible to write the CBT exam for improvement of internal marks. This specified marks can be computed using the formula: 0.4*Total-Marks -0.35*External-marks in case of UG courses and 0.5 *Total Marks -0.4* External-marks in case of PG courses.

Iam a 2022 Passed Out Student with readmitted in R18 in 3 year but I have 1 backlog in 2-1 internal marks is low but I have exam 2-1 exam in this month I am eligible for cbt or not
Eligible if The students who secure internal marks less than the marks specified are only eligible to write the CBT exam for improvement of internal marks. This specified marks can be computed using the formula: 0.4*Total-Marks -0.35*External-marks in case of UG courses and 0.5 *Total Marks -0.4* External-marks in case of PG courses.
After written CBT for INTERNAL....Can we add previous external marks to new internal marks...Ex:- If I got 10 in INTERNAL and 26 in EXTERNAL previously....so if I write CBT now will I have the chance to pass that subject with previous EXTERNAL MARKS
Yes you can.

1) Who are eligible to write CBT exam for improvement of internal marks?
The students who secure internal marks less than the marks specified are only eligible to write the CBT exam for improvement of internal marks. This specified marks can be computed using the formula: 0.4*Total-Marks -0.35*External-marks in case of UG courses and 0.5 *Total Marks -0.4* External-marks in case of PG courses.
sir iam going to attempt the 2-1 & 2-2 supplementary exams which are going be held from 25 september , after these exams if i write these internals improvement exam , so the marks scored in these improvement will be updated and added to the supplementary results ???
Yes they will if your internal marks are improved. Check the below details for eligibility for cbt exams

1) Who are eligible to write CBT exam for improvement of internal marks?
The students who secure internal marks less than the marks specified are only eligible to write the CBT exam for improvement of internal marks. This specified marks can be computed using the formula: 0.4*Total-Marks -0.35*External-marks in case of UG courses and 0.5 *Total Marks -0.4* External-marks in case of PG courses.
Yes they will if your internal marks are improved. Check the below details for eligibility for cbt exams

1) Who are eligible to write CBT exam for improvement of internal marks?
The students who secure internal marks less than the marks specified are only eligible to write the CBT exam for improvement of internal marks. This specified marks can be computed using the formula: 0.4*Total-Marks -0.35*External-marks in case of UG courses and 0.5 *Total Marks -0.4* External-marks in case of PG courses.
It says I'm eligible if i got less than the specified marks .. can you clarify that that marks ... for example i got 12 in internal .. am i eligible to write cbt?
I am a 2023 passout b pharmacy student with 3 backlogs due to very low internal marks when I contacted my college over phone they're saying only R09 regulations are eligible to even write internal improvements CBT and we have to directly apply through website no need to disturb college , please clarify is this correct
I am a 2023 passout b pharmacy student with 3 backlogs due to very low internal marks when I contacted my college over phone they're saying only R09 regulations are eligible to even write internal improvements CBT and we have to directly apply through website no need to disturb college , please clarify is this correct