JNTUH Environmental Science - Unit Wise Important Question - Long and Short Questions

JNTUH Environmental Science - Unit 1 : Long Answer Questions

1. Explain any three types of ecosystem with suitable example.

2. What do you understand by the term biogeochemical cycles? Explain with example.

3. at are the factors that determine the homeostasis of a system?

4. Food Chain

5. Food Web

6. Flow of Energy

7. Cybernetics

8. Biogeochemical cycles

9. Make a note on food chain concentration

10. Explain the structure of ecosystem with suitable example.

11. What do you understand by the term biogeochemical cycles? Explain with examples

12. Write a note on carbon cycle and water cycle with a neat labeled diagram

13. Make a note on Bio-magnification and Bio-accumulation

14. Define ecological pyramid. Explain all the three types with examples.

JNTUH Environmental Science - Unit 1 : Short Answer Questions

1. Food Chain

2. Food Web

3. Flow of Energy

4. Pyramid of number

5. Pyramid of energy
JNTUH Environmental Science - Unit 2 : Long Answer Questions

1. Describe some of the case studies which explain the effect of over exploitation of natural resources

2. Make a note on benefits and problems associated with dams

3. What is surface water? Give some example of over utilization of surface and ground water.

4. Explain any three methods of using land as a resource

5. Describe the role of individual in conservation of natural resources.

6. Explain how agricultural practices implemented to increase the field from the land lead to formation of unproductive land.

7. Explain the difference in consumption of resources by the countries of the developing and developed world.

8. Write a brief note on:
a) Non-renewable resources
b) Renewable resources
c) Floods as a series environmental hazard.

9. What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as part of the environmental policy?

10. Give an account of non-renewable energy resources.

11. What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as part of the environmental policy?

JNTUH Environmental Science - Unit 2 : Short Answer Questions

1. Floods

2. Drought

3. Soil Erosion

4. Renewable &non renewable natural resources

5. Renewable Energy resources