JNTUH Deputing the faculty members to attend online "NEP-Orientation & Sensitization Programme" schedule from 02-12-2024 to 10-12-2024

JNTUH-UGC-MMTTC-Deputing the faculty members to attend online "NEP-Orientation & Sensitization Programme" schedule from 02-12-2024 to 10-12-2024-Reg.


JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) The UGC MMTTC JNTUH is organizing NEP “Orientation & Sensitization Programme” from 02-12-2024 to 10-12-2024 through online mode. The faculty members from all branches of Engineering, Sciences, Pharmacy and Management are eligible to participate in the programme.

Hence I request you to kindly depute faculty members/Assistant Professors (Contract), from your college to attend the programme. The list of the faculty members deputed for the above course, after completing the online application process in the MMTTC portal at http://mmc.ugc.ac.in, on or before 30-11-2024 to the mail id directorhrdcjntuh@jntuh.ac.in.

JNTUH-UGC-MMTTC-Deputing the faculty members to attend online "NEP-Orientation & Sensitization Programme" schedule from 02-12-2024 to 10-12-2024-Reg.
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 23-11-2024

