JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering Notes/Study Materials


JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering (SE) - All Units - Set 1
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JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering (SE) Notes/Study Materials - Set 2

JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering (SE) Notes/Study Materials - Set 3

JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering (SE) - All Units - Set 4
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JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering (SE) - Short and Long Question and Answers [Unit Wise]

JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering (SE) Quick Summary All Units
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JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Software Engineering Syllabus
UNIT - I :
Introduction to Software Engineering: The evolving role of software, changing nature of software, software myths.

A Generic view of process: Software engineering- a layered technology, a process framework, the capability maturity model integration (CMMI), process patterns, process assessment, personal and team process models.

Process models: The waterfall model, incremental process models, evolutionary process models, the unified process.

Software Requirements: Functional and non-functional requirements, user requirements, system requirements, interface specification, the software requirements document.

Requirements engineering process: Feasibility studies, requirements elicitation and analysis, requirements validation, requirements management.

System models: Context models, behavioral models, data models, object models, structured methods.

Design Engineering: Design process and design quality, design concepts, the design model.

Creating an architectural design: software architecture, data design, architectural styles and patterns, architectural design, conceptual model of UML, basic structural modeling, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, use case diagrams, component diagrams.

Testing Strategies: A strategic approach to software testing, test strategies for conventional software, black-box and white-box testing, validation testing, system testing, the art of debugging.

Product metrics: Software quality, metrics for analysis model, metrics for design model, metrics for source code, metrics for testing, metrics for maintenance.

UNIT - V :
Metrics for Process and Products: Software measurement, metrics for software quality.

Risk management: Reactive Vs proactive risk strategies, software risks, risk identification, risk projection, risk refinement, RMMM, RMMM plan.

Quality Management: Quality concepts, software quality assurance, software reviews, formal technical reviews, statistical software quality assurance, software reliability, the ISO 9000 quality standards.


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