JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Notes


JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Notes
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JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Important Questions

JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Syllabus

UNIT - I :
Introduction: Concepts of Hydrologic cycle, Global Water Budget, Applications in Engineering. Sources of data.

Forms of precipitation, characteristics of precipitation in India, measurement of precipitation: Recording and non-recording types, rain gauge network: mean precipitation over an area: Arithmetic, Theissen’s and Isohyetal methods, Missing Rainfall Data – Estimation, Consistency of Rainfall records, depth area-duration relationships, maximum intensity/depth-duration-frequency relationship, Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), rainfall data in India

Abstractions from precipitation
evaporation process, evaporimeters, analytical methods of evaporation estimation, reservoir evaporation and methods for its reduction, evapotranspiration, measurement of evapotranspiration, evapotranspiration equations: Penman and Blaney & Criddle Methods, potential evapotranspiration over India, actual evapotranspiration, , interception, depression storage, infiltration, infiltration capacity, measurement of infiltration, modelling infiltration capacity, classification of infiltration capacities, infiltration indices.

Components of Runoff, Factors affecting runoff, Basin yield, SCS-CN method of estimating runoff, Flow duration curves, Mass curve of runoff – Analysis.

Hydrograph –Distribution of Runoff – Hydrograph Analysis Flood Hydrograph – Effective Rainfall – Base Flow- Base Flow Separation - Direct Runoff Hydrograph Unit pulse and Unit step function - Unit Hydrograph, definition, limitations and applications of Unit hydrograph, derivation of Unit Hydrograph from Direct Runoff Hydrograph and vice versa - S-hydrograph, Synthetic Unit Hydrograph.

Groundwater Hydrology
Occurrence, movement and distribution of groundwater, aquifers – types, Specific Yield, Permeability, Storage coefficient, Transmissibility, Darcy’s Law.

Well Hydraulics - Steady radial flow into well for confined and unconfined aquifers, Recuperation tests. Well constants.

Crop Water Requirements – Water requirement of crops-Crops and crop seasons in India, cropping pattern, duty and delta; Quality of irrigation water; Soil-water relationships, root zone soil water, infiltration, consumptive use, irrigation requirement, frequency of irrigation; Methods of applying water to the fields: surface, sub-surface, sprinkler and trickle / drip irrigation.

UNIT - V :
Canal Systems: Canal systems, alignment of canals, canal losses, estimation of design discharge. Design of channels- rigid boundary channels, alluvial channels, Regime channels, Kennedy’s and Lacey’s theory of regime channels. Canal outlets: non-modular, semi-modular and modular outlets. Water logging: causes, effects and remedial measures. Lining of canals-Types of lining-Advantages and disadvantages. Drainage of irrigated lands- necessity, methods.
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JNTUH B.Tech - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Important Questions :

Unit 1 - Short Questions :
1. Draw the hydrological cycle?
2. What are the reasons for error in measurement of precipitation?
3. Define Readily available soil moisture?
4. How can we reduce the water usage?
5. What do mean by term ‘HYDROLOGY’
6. Write the applications of hydrology.
7. Name the types of rain-gauges?
8. Define Runoff? What are the types of Runoff?
9. Name the methods used for measuring evapotranspiration.
10. What are infiltration indices?

Unit 1 - Long Questions :
1. Explain the methods of estimating missing rainfall data at a station in a basin.

2. Explain step by step procedure you would adopt to prepare the depth- area duration curves for a particular storm for a basin having a number of rain-gauges, most of which are recording.

3. Discuss the analysis of rainfall data with respect to time, space, frequency and intensity.

4. Explain the balanced equation for precipitation. Remember 1

5. Describe with the help of sketch various forms of soil moisture. Which of these soil moistures is mainly available for utilization by the plants?

6. Evaporation is indirectly a cooling process. Justify the statement. Discuss the factors affecting evaporation.

7. Discuss the various factors affecting evapotranspiration.

8. Distinguish between the potential evapotranspiration and the actual evapo-transpiration.

9. Bring out the difference between evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration and consumptive use.

10. Explain energy budget method of computing lake evaporation. What are its limitations?
JNTUH B.Tech - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Important Questions :

Unit 2 - Short Questions :
1. Explain hydrograph analysis?
2. What do you mean by base flow?
3. What do you understand about flood hydrograph?
4. Define return period and exceedence probability?
5. Define Unit hydrograph?
6. What is recession time?
7. Write Dicken’s formula for flood discharge.
8. What is flood frequency?
9. What is basin lag?show in the graph?
10. What are ungauged rivers?

Unit 2 - Long Questions :
1. Define unit hydrograph. What are the assumptions underlying the unit hydrograph theory

2. What does the word unit refer to in the unit hydrograph? Explain with sketches what do you understand by the principle of linearity and principle of time invariance in the unit hydrograph theory?

3. Describe how recession constants of direct runoff and base flow curves are obtained from a semi log arithmetic plot.

4. Describe with the help of neat sketches any three methods of separation of base flow from the hydrograph of runoff (i.e. stream flow hydrograph) indicating the situation under which you advocate them

5. How is runoff estimated using Strange’s tables and Barlow’s tables

6. What are the various components of runoff? Describe how each component is derived in the runoff process.

7. State the significance of inflection point on recession side of the hydrograph. Also explain the different factors that effect the shape of the hydrograph.

8. Describe the method of deriving unit hydrograph from complex storms .

9. The peak discharge and time to peak in a 3 h unit hydrograph derived for a basin of area 250 km2 with L = 30 km and Lc = 14 km are 50m3 /s and 9 h respectively. Assuming that Snyder's synthetic unit hydrograph applies determine the coefficient Ct and Cp. Determine the 2 h unit hydrograph for the upper 180 km2 of the same watershed which has L= 20km and Lc = 11.8 km.

10. Define unit hydrograph. What are the assumptions underlying the unit hydrograph theory.
JNTUH B.Tech - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Important Questions :

Unit 3 - Short Questions :
1. Define specific retention?
2. Define Permeability?
3. Define transmissibility?
4. Define Storage coefficient?
5. What are the types of wells?
6. Define aquifuge and give the examples.
7. What are the parameters considered in aquifer .name them.
8. What do you mean by unconfined aquifer?
9. What do mean by radial flow .give an example
10. Which type of flow is generally considered in the aquifer. justify.

Unit 3 - Long Questions :
1. Distinguish between Groundwater and Perched groundwater.

2. Distinguish between Open wells and tube wells.

3. Distinguish between Water table and artesian aquifers.

4. Distinguish between Confined aquifer and water table aquifer

5. Distinguish between Permeability and transmissibility.

6. Differentiate between shallow dug wells and deep dug wells. How the dug well is constructed?

7. Enumerate the methods which are used for determining the yield of dug wells. Discuss briefly any one of these methods.

8. Distinguish with sketches if necessary, the difference between unconfined and confined aquifer

9. Derive a formula for discharge of a well in a homogeneous unconfined aquifer assuming equilibrium flow condition. State the assumptions on which the formula is based.

10. Distinguish between: Vadose zone and phreatic zone
JNTUH B.Tech - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Important Questions :

Unit 4 - Short Questions :
1. Define Irrigation?
2. What are the different types of soils?
3. What do you understand about full supply coefficient?
4. What are the ill effects of irrigation?
5. What standards required for Irrigation water?
6. What do mean by artificial irrigation .give an example
7. What do mean by natural irrigation .give an example
8. What is consumptive use?
9. When do you consider the land for the crop rotation?
10. What is the formula used for finding depth of irrigation?

Unit 4 - Long Questions :
1. Discuss various methods of irrigation and state the advantages of each method.

2. Describe the step by step procedure for preparation of land for irrigation

3. Discuss in brief, various methods of surface irrigation.

4. What is meant by C2-S2 water?. Discuss its usefulness for irrigating fine textured soils.

5. Explain in detail about the iIl-effects of irrigation

6. What is meant by flow duty and quantity duty?

7. Define the terms Duty, Delta and base period and also derive the relation between them.

8. (a) Why soil is necessary for plant life. Explain the classification of soils based on geological process of formation.

9. Write down the classification of irrigation water based on sodium absorption ratio and its suitability for irrigation.

10. What is meant by duty and delta of canal water? Derive a relation between duty and delta for a given base period.
JNTUH B.Tech - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWRE) Important Questions :

Unit 5 - Short Questions :
1. What are the merits of Lacey's theory?
2. Why do we need to provide side slopes for canals?
3. What do you understand about SCS curve?
4. What is meant by depression storage?
5. What do you know about Gumbels method of flood frequency analysis?
6. What is lacey’s theory?
7. What do you mean by canal?
8. What do you mean by reservoir?
9. What are the types of canals?
10. What is flood frequency?

Unit 5 - Long Questions :
1. Why is Lacey’s conception is superior to that of Kennedy’s?

2. What do you understand by Initial and final regime of channels?

3. When do you classify the channel as having attained regime condition?

4. Describe briefly the observations of Lacey on the regime of river.

5. What is the necessity of drainage below the lining? Discuss the various drainage and pressure release arrangements.

6. Using Lacey’s basic regime equations derive an expression for Lacey’s scour depth.

7. What is meant by scour? What precautions do you take against it during the design of weirs?

8. Explain the mid-section method of computing the discharge in a stream.

9. Design a trapezoidal shaped concrete lined channel to carry a discharge of 100 cumecs at a slope of 25 cm/km. The side slopes of the channel are 1.5:1. The value of N may be taken as 0.016. Assume the limiting velocity as 1.5m/sec.

10. What is Khosla’s safe exit gradient?